Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 7: Another theory proven true as key character returns (Warning: Spoilers)

Viewers had hardly digested the return of Uncle Benjen. Yet Game of Thrones’ Sunday episode “The Broken Man” brought another man back from the dead, i.e. the burnt-faced man Sandor Clegane alias The Hound.

The episode’s opening shows The Hound cutting huge trees in an unknown place along with Ian McShane – who had apparently saved him. McShane also narrated the tale of The Hound’s survival, saying that he had found him badly injured, but somehow alive.

“I think gods are not done with you,” said McShane, voicing what he felt was the cause of the Hound’s survival. However, true to character, the Hound himself put his survival down to “hate”.

In the second scene, the \hound is seen sitting with a group of women and children – whose families have apparently been murdered. In the same scene, three armed men warn them that the “the night is full of terror.”

Later, in the final scene, The Hound is again seen chopping trees, when he suddenly runs towards the camp and finds that all the women and children he met earlier slaughtered. McShane’s body is among them, hanging by a rope.

Did you miss the last Game of Thrones Episode? Here is our quick recap

The Hound’s surprising return has given wind to the “Cleganebowl” theory leading fans to clamor for an epic fight brothers, the Hound and the Mountain.

According to the theory, they are to fight in Kings Landing, with the Mountain being fielded by Cersie Lannister in a trial by combat. According to the theory, this fight will be the Mountain’s last.

What this theory leaves to out imagination is how exactly the Hound will return to Kings Landing and enter a fight with his brother..

The Hound’s epic return was also felt on social media. Fans are now expecting other presumably dead characters to return like him.

Other Key Developments from “The Broken Man”:

  • John Snow, Sansa Stark and Ser Devos are visiting different families of the North to seek support in the fight against Ramsay Bolton. However, they are unable to amass many soldiers. The Wildlings also initially refused to fight against anyone other than the White Walkers along with Jon Snow. But they agree when Snow tells them that they are the next-in-line to be murdered once he dies.
  • Queen Margaery is still pretending to be the High Sparrow’s ally. In this episode, she held a meeting with him, who asked if he could have her in King Tommen’s marriage bed to produce an heir to the throne.
  • Queen Margaery’s granmother, Ollena Tyrell, decides to leave Kings Landing for the High Garden. She tells Cersie Lannister about this only after receiving a secret note from her granddaughter. Cersie urges her to stay in Kings Landing and fight against High Sparrow, but Ollena refuses.
  • Jaime Lannister is leading the Lannister Army to fight the Blackfish in a bid to retake a captured castle of House Frey, after failing to resolve the matter peacefully
  • Theone Grejoy and his sister Yara Grejoy are planing a voyage to Meereen and to pledge alliance to the Dragon Queen. The plan is proposed by Yara, who believes this is the only to regain Iron Islands.
  • After booking a cabin on a ship sailing for Westeros, Arya Stark is stabbed by the servant of many-faced god and jumps into a stream to save herself.

That’s all for this week in Game of Thrones. Keep following us for more crazy updates on all your favorite shows!

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