Top university MIT puts all 2400 courses online for free, from computer science to physics

Massachusetts (Web Desk) – Ranked no.1 internationally, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in an attempt to promote universal learning has put as many as 2400 of its courses online for free on thr MIt OpenCourseWare platform.

Under the initiative, all educational materials from MIT’s undergraduate- and graduate-level courses is freely and openly available to anyone, anywhere.

Learners from around the planet can access categorized content online and can quench their thirst for knowledge without paying a penny even. The courses vary from subjects of Engineering to Social Sciences, Architecture, Health Sciences and many more.

Dick K.P. Yue, Professor, MIT School of Engineering expressed his views regarding the unique initiative. “The idea is simple: to publish all of our course materials online and make them widely available to everyone” he said.

The courses can be accessed using the following link:



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