PollutionFree: 7 ways to use less plastic every day

LAHORE – Planet Earth is facing major environmental hazards and its the time we should start caring about our motherland before its too late. Plastic pollution is cluttering our oceans at an alarming rate, with around 245,000 tonnes of it floating on its surface. Plastic decays in thousands of years which means that it will never decay in our lifetime.

Below are a few simple steps through which we can reduce plastic waste and save our planet:

1# Think before you buy: Really think about your shopping list and avoid buying single-use plastics like water bottles – instead buy one you can use again. Avoid packaged goods such as fruit and veg and opt for produce from the fresh section.

2# Buy a strong reusable bag: It’s easy to forget to bring yours and can be frustrating having to buy a 5p plastic bag each time you do a shop, which is also really bad for the environment. Keep it in the car or fold it up in your everyday handbag and it’ll be there ready for next time.

3# Stop using products containing microbeads: Microbeads are found in our everyday beauty products like face washes and toothpaste, which are often washed down the sink and end up in our oceans which are then eaten by marine life. Fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives.

4# Buy in bulk: Buying your food in bulk uses less packaging than buying smaller amounts of food more frequently. You can keep food such as cereal or pasta in tubs to help the environment and also save you money in the long term.

5# Avoid wet wipes: Wet wipes and baby wipes are made with plastic resins and are responsible for clogging drains when they are flushed down the toilet. The government is in talks about eliminating wipes in the hope that businesses will formulate eco-alternatives, so it’s best to get used to living without them now.

6#Avoid plastic in clothing: Clothing can contain plastic too, like synthetic fibers such as polyester and lycra that have micro-plastic fibers. These come off in the wash and through general wear, so opt for natural fibers such as cotton, linen, and wool to prevent this.

7#Shift to shampoo bars: Toiletries with no packaging, such as soap and shampoo bars, are an easy way to cut back on unnecessary plastic. There’s no packaging to throw away, as once the toiletries are gone, they’re gone.



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