When Donald Trump s wife Melania used to be a nude model

Shocking pictures of the expected “next first lady”, Melania Trump, recently resurfaced in the  New York Post after more than two decades in obscurity. The pictures were originally published in a French adult magazine in 1995.

The newspaper published several rare pics of the Slovenian native, that show her wearing nothing but high heels at age 25 during a photo shoot in Manhattan with French photographer Alé de Basseville.

The headline on the shocking front page of the Post reads: “The Ogle Office.”

Donald, her husband, told the one newspaper on Sunday, “Melania was one of the most successful models and she did many photo shoots, including for covers and major magazines. This was a picture taken for a European magazine prior to my knowing Melania. In Europe, pictures like this are very fashionable and common.”

“They’re a celebration of the human body as art,” Trump’s campaign senior communications adviser Jason Miller  said. “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. She’s a beautiful woman.”

Earlier this month, Melania invited ridicule when she gave a speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention that contained an entire paragraph that was allegedly plagiarized from Michelle Obama’s 2008 Democratic National Convention address.

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