Importance of flexible thinking discussed at SIBF 2018

SHARJAH – The literature hall at the 37th edition of Sharjah International Book Fair (SIBF) was immersed in an animated discussion about our thought processes. Organised by the Sharjah Book Authority, SIBF brought together Dr Leonard Mlodinow and Abdullah Al Hadiya, a poet, researcher, and an editor-in-chief of Al Nadba Magazine.

The panel discussion was titled, “Flexible thinking in a time of change,” and was moderated by Iman bin Chaibah.

“There are two types of thinking – analytical or logical thinking which computers are really good at, and elastic thinking which is more of a bottom-up process, it’s where great ideas come from,” explained Dr Leonard Mlodinow, a theoretical physicist who is exemplary at making complex scientific topics interesting and easy to understand.

He has five New York Times bestseller, including, “Subliminal and the Grand Design,” which he wrote together with Stephen Hawking.

“With globalisation, the world is changing at a challenging pace. Whether it’s business or in personal lives, we have a tough time in our attempt to thrive. That’s one of the reasons I decided to write this book. We need to be able to break existing assumptions and preconceived notions to revolutionize the world,” remarked Dr Leonard.

Abdullah Al Hadiya explored, “When we attempt to break existing assumptions, there is always resistance. People will think that you have gone mad or that you are trying something that is totally silly. But that’s the way you will grow. Even in olden times in the Arab world, that’s how great mathematicians, poets, and scientist were born.”

Dr Leonard further elaborated, “Barrier is part of the process. If there is no barrier, your problem isn’t great enough. You must be able to approach your ideas with a beginner’s mind. In a study that was conducted in a hospital, the rate of mortality was observed and recorded among cardiologists. When the cardiologists were off on conferences, the mortality rate was lower. This is a strange and revealing finding that shows that in the absence of cardiologists, those who weren’t specialized had to think in different ways to solve issues.”

Abdullah Al Hadiya concluded the session where he explained to the audience that our reality is fabricated by our own minds. Even our thoughts are fabricated. But facts can stand the test of time and we must be able to distinguish the difference.

The Sharjah International Book Fair will be running until 10th November with a programme that caters to culture, intelligence, arts, crafts, and music.

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