PTI's Aamir Liaquat resigns from National Assembly

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2021-10-04T09:51:00+05:00 Web Desk

KARACHI – Ruling party lawmaker and televangelist Aamir Liaquat Hussain resigned from his seat of the lower house of parliament, it emerged on Sunday.

Reports in local media cited that the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leader made the announcement from his official handle and dispatched his resignation in a letter to the National Assembly secretariat.

“I have sent my resignation from the National Assembly. May Allah SWT strengthen PM Imran Khan and PTI. Allah Hafiz,” he wrote on Twitter.

The 49-year-old won on a PTI ticket from NA-245 in the 2018 polls. He didn’t mention the reason behind the action in the recent tweet however the celebrated host hinted at resigning from the seat and this is the second time for such action.

Last year, Dr. Aamir expressed his helplessness over Karachi’s power crisis, he said he had asked the premier for a meeting so he could present his resignation in person however, PM rejected the resignation of MNA by terming that he was proud that Hussain was part of the Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf.

He also issued multiple provoking statements against senior PTI leaders accusing them of sidelining representatives from Sindh.

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