Punjab on top, KP at bottom on FAFEN s corruption list

LAHORE (Staff Report) – The Free And Fair Election Network (FAFEN) has released a new survey gauging public perceptions on corruption in various government agencies.

According to the survey released on Saturday, Punjab tops the list in terms of corruption while PTI-led Khyber Pukhtunkhwa has been rated as the least corrupt province.

FAFEN recorded opinions of over six thousand people at 603 different points in all constituencies of Pakistan. About 72 percent of male respondents and 54% female respondents with interactions with certain listed government departments rated corruption to be high or very high.

As many as 82 percent of respondents in Balochistan, 74 percent in Sindh, 72 percent in Islamabad Capital Territory, 68 percent in Punjab, 52 percent in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and eight percent in Federally Administered Tribal Areas said that they believed corruption prevailed in government departments.

The organisation further reported that in 332 cases people eye witnessed bribe being given to government officials. The highest number of bribery cases, 206 to be exact, were recorded in Punjab followed by 106 incidents in Sindh. Only 4% of respondents from Balochistan and 1 % from KP stated that they had witnessed bribe-taking in government departments first-hand.

FAFEN plans to release results on other indicators in the survey later, in July 2016.

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