Snapchat streams Mecca_live, the event draws incredible reactions from people around the world

LONDON (Web Desk) – On the 27th of Ramadan, Snapchat featured Mecca in it’s live stories.

Snapchat’s Live section lets users share photos and videos taken at the same live event and then it features them on its live stories section.

The response the story received was phenomenal with thousands of people tweeting from all over the world about the #Mecca_live hashtag, eventually it was trending worldwide, ilmfeed cited.

Here’s the Snapchat story:






And here are some tweets from non-Muslims who were inspired by what they saw:

Some just found it simply beautiful

It made others emotional

Many tweeted on the unity of Muslims

While others commented about the portrayal of Muslims in the media…

Im not Muslim but the #mecca_live story is so beautiful! Really shows that Muslims arent how the media show them! What an amazing religion! — anna (@gnkez82) July 13, 2015

Many wanted to learn more

And others, thought about converting to Islam. May Allah guide them.

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