Saudi Crown Prince MBS reveals threats to his life over push for friendly ties with Israel

RIYADH – Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud faced assassination threat over normalisation efforts with Israel, American publication Politico said.

The shocking report reveals that the Saudi defacto ruler is facing assassination threats as he works towards normalising relations with Tel Aviv. The report reveals that MBS alerted US Congress members about these threats while pursuing a significant agreement with the US and Israel that would normalize ties.

The report, quoting an ex-US official, said MBS has used these threats to underscore the importance of including a definitive and irreversible plan for establishing a future Palestinian state within any agreement.

He compared his situation to that of former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, who was assassinated in 1981 after signing a peace treaty with Jewish state. Saudi ruler also conveyed the seriousness of the threats, emphasising the deep concern among Saudis and the broader Middle Eastern population.

MBS was of view that his role as custodian of Islam’s holy sites would be at risk if he did not address the critical issue of justice in the region. Despite these dangers, he is reportedly determined to pursue the agreement with US and Israel, seeing it as vital for Kingdom’s future.

Benjamin Netanyahu-led government is hesitant to include a credible path to a Palestinian state in the deal while KSA reiterated to US that it would not establish diplomatic relations with Israel unless an independent Palestinian state was recognized based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and Israeli military actions in Gaza ceased. 

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