Haroon Bilour killed by our own people not Taliban, declares senior ANP leader

PESHAWAR – Rejecting Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan’s claim, a senior leader of Awami National Party (ANP) voiced that killing of Haroon Bilour, who was recently killed in a blast, was an inside job.

Ghulam Ahmad Bilour, an uncle of the slain leader, talking to a private news channel on Sunday claimed that his nephew was not killed by the TTP militants but people, who have benefited from his murder, are involved in the heinous crime.

He said, “Not TTP but our own people killed him and we have all the details”. The senior leader, however, did not share the details about ‘own people’.

There is no benefit for Taliban in the killing of Haroon, he asserted, adding, “Our rivals thought ANP will withdraw from elections due to fear”.

He vowed to take part in general polls for both national and provincial assembly seats instead of leaving the battlefield open for the opponents.

Haroon Bilour, who was a candidate for PK-78, and 21 others martyred when a blast occurred at a corner meeting of ANP in the Yaka Toot area of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa capital.

Haroon was the son of Bashir Ahmed Bilour, a senior ANP figure who was himself martyred in a suicide blast in Peshawar in 2012.

Meanwhile, the responsibility for the Peshawar suicide blast has been claimed by the Pakistan faction of outlawed Tehrik-i-Taliban.


The central spokesperson for the militant group, Muhammad Khorasani, released a message to media revealing the name of the suicide bomber as Abdul Kareem, taking the onus of the attack that has marred the electioneering, especially in the war-battered Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

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