Former Miss International add onto the ongoing #MeToo movement by courageously opening about her sexual harassment encounter. Bea Rose Santiago revealed that she was molestd by a priest. This happened when she was a girl, leaving a forever lasting trauma on her. She opened about her traumatic experience in a Facebook post. She explained how sexual harassment is not only in beauty pageants but it’s everywhere.
She also talked about how she was sexually harassed by a powerful and famous CEO. He would arrange parties for girls who wouldn’t win with his friends touching them inappropriately. He made her feel uncomfortable with his random touches. She told how the next time they met there were chaperones and the chairwoman present with the candidates as well as the organisers and still he talked nonsense to the girls.
Sexual harassment happens no matter what age you have or how religious you are. It will happen even if you are famous. Sexual harassment is a disease which is plaguing our society and no one is doing anything to protect women from this disease.