Orientm-McCANN designed KHAAS World Record campaign earns creative masters award at Cannes

CANNES – Orientm-McCANN Pakistan is proud to be the creative brewer for NESTLÉ EVERYDAY’s latest Facebook-Cannes award-winning campaign “KHAAS World Record”.

Earning the Creative Masters Award at Cannes on 21st June 2018, the campaign topped the Nestlé MENA region and was one of the top 5 finalists for 90+ shortlisted Nestlé global brands making it the first ever global win for Nestlé Pakistan.

The business challenge at hand was huge. NESTLÉ EVERYDAY Pakistan had to launch its new powdered tea creamer variant for Mix Chai in a market where liquid tea creamers and milk is a norm. Announcing the brand’s entry into this newer segment meant tapping into the 85% of the tea drinking population if done right. For the past 25 years, the brand had positioned itself in the separate tea segment. The communication solution had to go big; big enough to reign the share of voice on media platforms and share of ears with the consumers to start building the brand’s association with Mixed Tea.

It all started with MCCANN’s communication ideology, Truth Well Told. Pakistanis love Mix Chai and making of it is an age-old ritual religiously followed in all the households. Picking on an insight that “Saucepan” is the utensil used for the locally mixed tea preparation and uniquely symbolizes Mix Chai in Pakistan, something weaved in this local ritual, the agency decided to capitalize on this simple truth and create something amazing out of it. The solution didn’t only help the brand make this new news big but also built the much-needed association with Mix Chai.

Thus was created Guinness Record for the World’s Largest Saucepan and the campaign KHAAS WORLD RECORD came into being. For the passionate love of Mix Chai, Pakistan was asked to cast in their votes and make the record-breaking saucepan bigger than ever.

And Pakistan voted to bring home the Guinness World Record title for the World’s largest saucepan.

The campaign was a thorough endeavor for bringing success to the brand. From Awareness till Trial, Facebook was used at its full creative potential to get the message across through each stage of the consumer journey and instigate an action within the audience ultimately prompting them to try out the new product.

Here’s to congratulating NESTLÉ EVERYDAY and all the amazing partner agencies for this remarkable win!


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