
Media art exhibition “The Digital Self. Pathways to a New Ecology of the Senses” scheduled in Dieburg

Experiencing digital art with all the senses: Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences and Museum Schloss Fechenbach announces the media art exhibition “The Digital Self. Pathways to a New Ecology of the Senses”.

Organized by young professionals of the Master´s program International Media Cultural Work, the exhibition takes place from May 30th to June 30th 2019 in Museum Schloss Fechenbach, Dieburg. Its grand opening will be on May 29th, 7 pm.

In the exhibition, visitors can indulge in media art exhibits relating to the topic of the “digital self” in an immersive, innovative and vivid manner. The term “digital self” represents a broad range of people’s different images reflected under the conditions of the virtual world. Moreover, it means catching insight into those realities through artworks produced with emerging media technologies such as virtual reality scenarios, interactive media sculptures and audio-visual installations.

By creating an experimental exhibition design within the museum’s space, the visitors can explore the media art objects in a way which suggests and reflects an interplay of the senses, and opens up pathways showing alternative perceptions, reframing different, maybe new modes of the senses’ hierarchization and correlation. he audience will be invited to engage with the exhibits not only just by vision, but also by touch, auditory sense and interactivity. The blurred line between the real and the virtual will trigger perplexing imaginations, as well as provoke the questioning of one’s own identities and roles within the digital media world.

Throughout the exhibition’s duration, visitors and a jury of professionals can elect their three favorite artworks. The winners will be awarded the “Nachwuchspreis Medienkultur der Stadt Dieburg” (Dieburg Newcomer Award for Media Culture) during the exhibition´s closing ceremony on the 30th of June 2019, 3.30 pm.

For the exhibition, a catalog will be available

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