The Punjab government has rolled out the Nigahban Ramadan Package aimed at providing relief to millions of families during the holy month of Ramadan. The decision to launch the initiative was made during a high-level meeting chaired by Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif. Registration for the package has now officially begun.
The Nigahban Ramadan Package is designed to support underprivileged families by providing essential goods and financial aid. Maryam Nawaz instructed that the registration process be completed by February 15, 2025. In her address, she emphasized that the package is both a right for the needy and a responsibility of the government.
“The public should receive their rightful support with dignity and respect. They should not have to stand in long queues to access their entitlement,” Maryam Nawaz stated. She further added that the administration should treat this initiative as a service to humanity and a spiritual duty, ensuring the process is smooth and respectful.
The meeting also reviewed various proposals to streamline the distribution process. It was announced that registration for the Nigahban Ramadan Package can be done online via a dedicated portal, or in-person at Union Council and Municipal Offices across the province.
The government is determined to ensure that the package reaches as many deserving families as possible in a transparent and efficient manner, allowing people to benefit from it during Ramadan without any hassle.