Afghanistan closes embassy in India over no diplomatic cooperation from Delhi

NEW DELHI – The Embassy of Afghanistan in India on Friday announced the permanent closure of its diplomatic mission in New Delhi owing to persistent challenges from the Indian government.

“It is with profound sadness, regret, and disappointment that the Embassy of Afghanistan in New Delhi announces this decision to cease its operations. This decision, while deeply regrettable, is made after careful consideration, taking into account the historic ties and long-standing partnership between Afghanistan and India,” it said in a press statement. 

The embassy said several factors affecting its ability to continue the services effectively are the primary reasons for the unfortunate closure. The factors include: 

“1. Lack of support from the host Government: The Embassy has experienced a notable absence of crucial support from the host government, which has hindered our ability to carry out our duties effectively. 

2. Failure to meet expectations in serving Afghanistan’s Interests: We acknowledge our shortcomings in meeting the expectations and requirements necessary to serve the best interests of Afghanistan and its citizens due to the lack of diplomatic support in India and the absence of a legitimate functioning government in Kabul. 

“3. Reduction in personnel and resources: Due to unforeseen and unfortunate circumstances, there has been a significant reduction in both personnel and resources available to us, making it increasingly challenging to continue operations. The lack of timely and sufficient support from visa renewal for diplomats to other critical areas of cooperation led to an understandable frustration among our team and impeded our ability to carry out routine duties effectively,” the embassy explained. 

It said the decision has been taken to close all operations of the mission with the exception of emergency consular services to Afghan citizens till the transfer of the custodial authority of the mission to the host country. 

The embassy categorically refuted any baseless claims regarding internal strife or discord amongst the diplomatic staff or any diplomats using the crisis to seek asylum in a third country. 

“Such rumours are unfounded and do not reflect the reality of our mission. We remain a united team working towards the best interests of Afghanistan.” 

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