Lollywood star Saboor Aly left fans awestruck with latest social media post, as she shines in red ensemble, exuding elegance and festive cheer. The Parizaad star shared series of gorgeous pictures alongside her husband, Ali Ansari, as they celebrated Christmas together, and fans couldn’t stop praising her stunning looks.
The new clicks show Saboor slaying in a vibrant red dress, looking nothing short of glamorous as she poses with Xmastree, candles, roses. The bold color and her impeccable style choices made her the focal point of the celebration, creating a buzz online. Her glowing makeup, paired with her sleek hair, further enhanced her beauty, making the look both chic and festive.
Saboor and Ali’s Christmas dinner was a heartwarming affair, as duo give perfect vibes while celebrating season of joy together. Fans flooded the comments section with admiration, not only for the actress’s flawless fashion but also for the couple’s chemistry and love-filled moments.
The young sister of Sajal rose to fame with 2011 project Mehmoodabad ki Malkain and later appeared in several other hits including Parizaad, Fitrat, Gul o Gulzar, and Bay Qasoor.
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