Mahmood Aslam breaks down recalling heart-wrenching memories on TV show

Renowned actor Mahmood Aslam, celebrated for his ability to bring smiles to countless faces through his outstanding performances, was overcome with emotion as he shared deeply personal and heartbreaking moments from his life during a private TV show.

During the program, the seasoned actor recounted a profoundly painful memory from his youth. “I was just 24 years old when my first child, a daughter, was born prematurely and passed away,” Aslam revealed, his voice trembling. “The hospital administration handed me my baby, wrapped in a white cloth, and I was at a complete loss, not knowing what to do. It felt as if I was utterly alone in the world.”

In an era before mobile phones, Aslam had to use a landline to convey the tragic news to his family. “This is an incident I can never forget because she was our first child, whom we lost,” he said, tears welling up in his eyes.

Aslam also spoke about the profound grief he experienced upon his mother’s passing. “My mother lived in a room on the ground floor while my room was upstairs. I was often consumed with work, and she would say to me, ‘I don’t know if I’ll be able to see you when I die.'”

Recalling her final moments, Aslam shared, “One day, my mother’s condition worsened, and it was clear she was at her final stage. As soon as I entered her room, she raised her hand, and I hugged her tightly. That moment will forever be etched in my memory.”

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