Maverick : Pakistani engineer designs meticulous wall-painting robot

MISSISSAUGA – A Pakistani-Canadian engineer has introduced an autonomous gadget that can paint walls evenly and with striking accuracy.

Hammad Mirza, along with his four team members of MIST (mobile Intelligent Spraying Technologies) has designed Maverick that uses mapping technology and a sort of elevator-like shaft to spray up and down the walls.

The robot is fitted with a platform, arm and spray system that allows even coating, without any fear of a spill.

These engineers have an experience of working with Apple, Facebook, Amazon and Uber, but their latest innovation has sent shock waves across the thriving paint industry.

“We believe that the home painter industry is ripe for disruption, noting that there are over 5,000 painting-related injuries each year, with $1.5 billion spent on painters annually in North America only,” Hammad told Daily Pakistan.

Revealing the future plans, the team divulged that they were planning to mount a camera behind the sprayer so it moves in synchronisation with the sprayer and hence can use image processing to decide whether to spray the surface or not.

The Waterloo graduates continued that they had already implemented this logic in software and even had a paint quality detection algorithm.

The team has made headlines across the tech-world but Maverick’s initial design is not the final destination as the group plans on adding other features to the robot for making it more user-friendly.

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