Pope visits Catholic Church of Ireland s sexual abuse victims

Pope Francis met with the sexual abuse victims who were traumatized by the figures of Catholic Church in Ireland after the meeting he talked about how the victims left a profound mark on him and how there will be strict measures will be taken to ensure no such thing happens again. At his weekly Vatican address in Ireland the pope said he had

“begged the Lord for forgiveness for these sins,the scandal and the sense of betrayal.” 

His arrival was extremely unpleasant as the protestors took over the streets to make sure Justice was served and people involved in this scandal are held accountable. In his statements he talked about how the Irish bishops have been going through a process of purification  and reconciliation with the victims under strict rules.

However not everyone is convinced with what the Vatican has to say about this whole abuse which has been happening behind the Holy walls of the church and that too for decades. People have been silenced as the powerful ones backed the church figures. One of the survivors Marie Collins who also was abused by a cleric resigned last year from Vatican commission created by the pointiff to tackle child abuse. She stated senior clerics refuse to implement their suggestions of safety policies.

These horrible incidents have been covered for so long and the Catholic Church has been dogging all such claims. Now the renewed pressure on Pope Francis is damning reports of abuse being covered up in USA, Chile and Australia. The situation got so heated that people started to demand Pope Francis to resign from Archbishop, Carlo Maria Vigano a former Vatican ambassador to America claims he told the pointiff about the abuse five years ago but pope did nothing about it.


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