Who really was Henry Kissinger and what did he do?

“Briefly the role of the American public was talked about by Charlie Rose with Kissinger who paused to pick his words carefully. Kissinger told his interviewer, Rose, that the United States is a nation whose public has no clue about American foreign policy.” –Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

“Today Americans will be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond whether real or promulgated, that threatened our existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by world government.” –Henry Kissinger at 1992 Bilderberg meeting at Evian-les-Bains, France 21-24 May

Henry Kissinger passed away on November 29, 2023 at his home in Connecticut, U.S.A. Kissinger was the National Security Advisor of the U.S. government from 1969-1973, becoming Secretary of State in 1973, an office he continued to occupy till 1977. Henry Kissinger was born on May 27, 1923 in Furth in Bavaria, Germany. Kissinger’s family was German Jewish and his great great grandfather, Meyer Loeb, adopted the name Kissinger as his surname after the German town Bad Kissingen. Kissinger’s father was a school teacher, who was apparently dismissed from his job during the Nazi regime. In the year 1938 the Kissingers left Germany and arrived and settled in New York, USA. 

In a private communication on December 2, Zahir Ebrahim, who gave up his Silicon Valley career to become a justice activist after 9/11, wrote to me: “Imperialists tend to have a rather long life… the crueler they are, the eviler they are, the more blood they have on their hands, the longer they live … just heard that Henry Kissinger finally kicked the bucket on Wednesday at 100.” Karl Haemers wrote the following comment in his article on Kissinger on unz.com: “The vile man died at age 100, and while many Jews live long lives that would have killed other folks from the burden of guilt and shame of their deeds, Jews such as Kissinger seem to feed on this dark energy to prolong their lives. No one has confirmed what other perverse practices could have prolonged his life, since members of the Jewish Power elite are highly guarded on the subject – unless they want a limited hangout such as the Epstein disclosures.”

At the end of WWII the German populace faced the wrath of the Allied powers. The involvement of Kissinger in the repression and plunder of Germans started early. He was in his early twenties at the time of the surrender of Germany. Eustace Mullins writes: “A German national Kissinger returned to his birthplace as a sergeant in the U.S. Army, soon identified as a recruit to the KGB with the codename of ‘Bor’.”  Eustace Mullins writes further: “The conquered German people were now systematically looted and ruthlessly governed by the occupying powers. Henry Kissinger, John J. McCloy (son-in-law of a J.P. Morgan partner), Benjamin Buttenweiser, partner Kuhn Loeb & Co (his wife was Alger Hiss’s lawyer at his trial for perjury), and other Rothschild agents descended like locusts upon the prostrate nation.”

To quote Mullins: “He became a student at Harvard University, and was soon hired by the Rockefellers as the protégé of an even more mysterious personage, one Helmut Sonnefeld, who remains a Washington insider.” In the year 1954 Kissinger completed his PhD and joined the Center for International Affairs at Harvard.  Kissinger’ relationship with the Rockefellers enabled his entry into the worlds’ elite decision making and planning bodies at an early age. He was to become a principal, and highly ruthless, strategist, and a vocal and arrogant ideologue of the New World Order. The Bilderberg Group, the most important decision making body on the establishment of the New World Order, was founded in 1954 and Kissinger soon became its member. He was, at the time, probably the youngest member of the group. He continued to attend most of its annual meetings, attending the last meeting in May 1923, just a week before he turned 100! He also attended the annual Satanic Bohemian Grove gatherings.  He was also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the key body that controls the US State Department. 

Most of the attendees of the CFR and the Bilderberg Group meetings keep changing on a yearly basis, but there is a core of members that is constant. It is this core that really steers these bodies. Henry Kissinger was a core member of these bodies. By virtue of his membership of these bodies he became well acquainted with those important members of the European Royalty who happened to be members of the Bilderberg Group. In fact, Kissinger gradually rose to the pinnacle of the leadership of the World Order. His leadership position was symbolically acknowledged by a highly nervous Pope Francis when he publicly kissed the hands of three men in the following order: Lord Jacob Rothschild, David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger. It was one of the rare occasions when Kissinger was seen with a Rothschild – he was usually associated with the Rockefellers. He had qualified for that position by carrying out ruthless and calculated policies in the interest of the High Cabal, the elite group of Satanic international banking families, spearheaded by the Rothschild clan.

Professor Peter Dale Scott writes: “The Kissinger-Rockefeller relation was complex and certainly intense.” He quotes an investigative reporter Jim Hougan: “Kissinger, married to a former Rockefeller aide, owner of a Georgetown mansion whose purchase was enabled only by Rockefeller gifts and loans, was always a protégé of his patron Nelson R. even when he wasn’t directly employed by him.” Kissinger is credited with having initiated the U.S.-China relations. Professor Scott unravels the reason for Kissinger’s China policy. “Nixon’s and Kissinger’s arrival in the White House in 1969 coincided with David Rockefeller’s becoming CEO of Chase Manhattan Bank. The Nixon-Kissinger foreign policy of détente was highly congruous with Rockefeller’s push to internationalize Chase Manhattan banking operations. Thus in 1973 Chase Manhattan became the first American bank to open operations in Moscow. A few months later, thanks to an invitation arranged by Kissinger, Rockefeller became the first U.S. banker to talk with Chinese Communist leaders in Beijing.” Eustace Mullins has also elaborated: “He campaigned for Nelson Rockefeller’s presidential bid, and when Nixon won out, Kissinger publicly sneered at him as a know-nothing.  A few days later, Nixon, acting under orders, named him Secretary of State.” It is therefore clear that Kissinger worked for the cabal of international bankers, referred to by Winston Churchill as the High Cabal.

Kissinger’s cryptic remarks about US foreign policy, stated at the opening of this article, can be understood better if we look at what Eustace Mullins, one of the deepest and most knowledgeable students of the World Order, wrote. He wrote about Kissinger: “However his main commitment was to the British Secret Service, as he boasted in a speech at Chatham House, home of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, in London May 10, 1982, ‘In my White House incarnation then, I kept the British Foreign Office better informed and more closely engaged than I did the American State Department.’” Mullins explains the commitment of Kissinger to the British Secret Service. “Why did Kissinger the Zionist work so closely with the British Foreign Office? The answer in in the origin of the Anti-Defamation League, which is generally thought of as a strictly Jewish operation. It is actually an SIS branch, which was founded by Henry Lord Palmerston, British Foreign Minister, who also created the Zionist movement as a weapon of British espionage from 1843-1860.”

Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Abba Eban quoted terrorist Menachim Begin, “The appointment of Dr. Kissinger as secretary of state has as much significance as the United Nations vote to create the State of Israel.”  The state of Israel is a Rothschild creation and Begin’s remark highlights the profound link of Kissinger with the High Cabal. According to Mullins, “Kissinger later appeared at more than twenty-five Anti-Defamation League events during his term of office. He placed top Zionists in many government agencies, developed ADL support in key evangelical groups such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, and persuaded Sheldon Cohen, former Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, to rewrite IRS regulations which ensured that ADL and hundreds of other Zionist organizations would have permanent tax exempt status.” 

Kissinger promoted “realpolitik” which aimed at the maximizing U.S. military and economic power. As U.S. political scientist Jarrod Hayes puts it: “In this model of foreign policy, the political values – democracy, human rights – that make the United States a distinctive player in the international system have no role.” In view of his realpolitik, Henry Kissinger opposed the popular elected government of Salvador Allende in Chile and encouraged the military to oust him. Allende had socialist views and was pro-Cuba. Allende was killed in in 1973 an army coup led by the army chief Gen. Augusto Pinochet, who then became a most repressive dictator of Chile. Pinochet ruled Chile for 17 years, from 1973-1990. During his reign tens of thousands had to go into exile to survive and thousands were murdered by government agencies. All this human suffering and pain was a consequence of Kissinger’s realpolitik.

Many of Kissinger’s utterances reveal the treacherous philosophy behind his thinking. It was Kissinger who was supposed to have said: “It is dangerous to be America’s enemy. It is fatal to be America’s friend.” Pakistan has repeatedly experienced this but the Pakistani establishment never learns. Pakistan paved the way for Kissinger’s secret visit to China. It angered the Soviet Union which sided with India when Indian forces broke Pakistan. But Kissinger, who had used Pakistan to get to China, also desired the separation of East Pakistan. He is said to have encouraged Gen. Yahya Khan to carry out the military action against the East Pakistanis, an action that led to the breakup of the country. The late Jahangir Badr, close and loyal confidante of Z.A. Bhutto, who was also confined in the same prison as Bhutto in the latter’s last days, told this author that indeed Kissinger had threatened to make a “horrible example” out of Z.A. Bhutto if he persisted with Pakistan’s nuclear program. Kissinger’s concern with Pakistan’s nuclear program had little to do with U.S. interests – it was motivated by his deep commitment to Israel.

Kissinger was responsible for the murder of the Italian leader Aldo Moro who was the prime minister of Italy from 1963-68 and 1974-76. Aldo Moro wanted to have a coalition government in which wished to have the Communist Party of Italy (PCI) as a coalition partner. When, in September 1974, Aldo Moro arrived in Washington, Henry Kissinger threatened him: “You must abandon your policy of bringing all the political forces in your country into direct collaboration, or you will pay dearly for it.”   An article on historyofyesterday.com by Michelle Caimmi (Sep 19, 2022) states: “In 2020, some of Kissinger’s memorandum written to President Nixon were published and one of them dealt with Moro being a danger for the Western World.”  It is said that Kissinger’s threat so disturbed Aldo Moro that he cancelled all appointments and returned to Italy. In Italy he fell ill on return on account of the pressure of Kissinger’s threat. Subsequently, when Aldo Moro was no longer in power, he was abducted (on March 16, 1978) and assassinated after having been kept in captivity for about 50 days. In 2008, Francesco Cossiga, who was President of Italy at the time of abduction of Aldo Moro, admitted that Aldo Moro had been killed for the sake of “stability of the state”. Kissinger’s threats to Z.A. Bhutto and Aldo Moro, both of whom were subsequently killed, reveal him as a gangster of the international bankers.

Kissinger was supremely arrogant. He once said: “Military men are just dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.” It is a testament to the strength of his protectors in the High Cabal that despite such a derogatory remark about the military not one military general of the U.S. dared challenge him. It also illustrates the absolute subservience of the U.S. Establishment to the High Cabal. No wonder the U.S. public has no clue to the U.S. foreign policy. 

The U.S. bombing of Cambodia from 1969-1973 made it the most heavily bombed country per capita in the world. Simone McCarthy of CNN writes: “From October 1965 to August 1973, the United States dropped at least 2,756,941 tons of ordnance over Cambodia, a country roughly the size of the US state of Missouri. That’s more than the Allies dropped during World War II, according to an account by Yale University historian Ben Kiernan.” Kissinger had a central role in this bombing and it led to deaths of a large number of people –  estimates range from 50,000 – 600,000. Cambodia, a neutral country, was not a party to the Vietnam war but the bombing was carried out to wrest control of the country from communists and to prevent the North Vietnamese from using the territory for infiltrating into South Vietnam. 

Simone McCarthy writes: “Kissinger is widely seen as shrugging off responsibility for wartime decisions and the toll of the campaign in Cambodia, which government documents indicate he helped devise. One journal entry from Nixon’s chief of staff describes Kissinger as ‘really excited’ as the bombing campaign got underway in 1969.” Ouch Sony and George Wright of BBC wrote on December 3: “A Pentagon report released in 1973 stated that ‘Kissinger approved each of the 3,875 Cambodia bombing raids in 1969 and 1970’ as well as ‘the methods for keeping them out of the newspapers’.” They quote him: “‘It’s an order, it’s to be done. Anything that flies, or anything that moves. You got that?’ Kissinger told a deputy in 1970, according to declassified transcripts of his telephone conversations.” 

Unexploded U.S. bombs litter the Cambodian countryside maiming and killing people to date. Simone McCarthy adds: “Today, in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia government-run agencies and other groups continue to work to remove explosive remnants of war, with experts saying the US government has become the world’s biggest funder of unexploded ordinance and landmine clearance in the world.” This is part of Kissinger’s Malthusian legacy to the world.

Henry Kissinger was involved in serious and wanton murder of Americans in Laos. In the year 1998 CNN aired a program Operation Tailwind. It was established in this program that the Studies and Observation Group (SOG) of the CIA had employed Sarin gas to kill those US soldiers who had deserted during the Vietnam war and sought refuge in Laos. Under intense pressure and protest from the then Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Colin Powell and Henry Kissinger, CNN was forced to withdraw the program and dismissed the two producers April Oliver and Jack Smith, responsible for the program. However, investigative reporter Michael Ruppert was able to establish that the program was not only factually correct, the SOG had terminated about 20 defectors using Sarin gas. Henry Kissinger was the man who controlled SOG. This was done to prevent them from finding out that the CIA was running an operation in Laos with the Hmong tribe whereby CIA was making money from heroin to run its covert operations. Ted Shackley, the legendary CIA operative, ran the operation. April Oliver and Jack Smith went to court and won the case. They received handsome compensation from CNN.

Kissinger played a crucial role in initiating and then building US relations with Communist China. This Kissinger-Nixon initiative represented a huge shift in the relationship of the West with the Communist world, which, prior to this initiative appeared as a monolithic post WWII bloc. It also impacted the U.S. society in a deep way. Karl Harmers has expressed the view: “Kissinger personally opened diplomatic relations with Communist China, which led to the destruction of the U.S. manufacturing base, the implosion of the middle class and rise of the working poor and zombie hordes, and the transfer of most of the well-paying manufacturing jobs from the U.S. to China. This has led to today’s vulnerable dependence on China for most of our manufactured goods….” 

Haemers writes that this dependence on China has led to “the appalling ‘wealth gap’ rapidly moving U.S. demographics toward a Hunger Games society of super-rich Oligarch Technocrats and destitute slaves.” This kind of society is envisaged in the so-called New World Order. The High Cabal aims at destroying the U.S. middle class as the middle class espouses values such as democratic rights, free speech, human rights etc.  Haemers continues: “Kissinger further destroyed our middle class and manufacturing power by advocating and supporting NAFTA which transferred any remnants to Mexico and beyond, in cooperation with his fellow Jew Rahm Emanuel. Kissinger said of NAFTA: ‘It will represent the most creative step towards new world order.’” Kissinger worked for the establishment of the New World Order of the Satanic Zionist international bankers, a global slave state with a much reduced global population.

Kissinger was a profuse writer. His memoirs The White House Years are 1521 pages long, including the index. The other part Years of Upheavel, covers 1273 pages! At a time when the world did not know what type of men were running China, Kissinger interacted with them and has left an invaluable description of the great Chairman Mao, the real founder of the Peoples Republic of China. “Mao stood there, tall and powerfully built for a Chinese. He fixed the visitor with a smile both penetrating and slightly mocking, warning by his bearing that there was point in seeking to deceive the specialist in foibles and duplicity of man. I have met no one, with the possible exception of Charles de Gaulle, who so distilled raw, concentrated will power… [H]e dominated the room – not by the pomp that in most cases confers a degree of majesty on the leaders, but by exuding in almost tangible form the overwhelming drive to prevail.”

Kissinger’s description of how Mao communicated is equally invaluable and deep. He states that Mao “never engaged in soliloquies.” “His meaning emerged from a Socratic dialogue that he guided effortlessly and with deceptive casualness. He embodied his main observations in easy banter and seeming jokes, maneuvering his interlocutor for opportunities to inject comments that were sometimes philosophical and sometimes sarcastic. The cumulative effect was that his key points were enveloped in so many tangential phrases that they communicated a meaning while evading a commitment. Mao’s elliptical phrases were passing shadows on a wall; they reflected a reality but did not encompass it. They indicated a direction without defining the route of the march. Mao would deliver dicta. They would catch the listener by surprise, creating an atmosphere at once confused and slightly menacing. It was as if one were dealing with a figure from another world who occasionally lifted the corner of the shroud that veils the future, permitting a glimpse but never the entire vision that he alone had seen.”

Henry Kissinger was the advocate of an anti-mankind Malthusian philosophy. He argued that the increasing global population posed a threat to the vital interests of America! From this it followed that the global population must be reduced by all means available. This was the National Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) 200. Joseph Brewda writes: “The study falsely claimed that population growth in the so called Lesser Developed Countries (LDCs) was a grave threat to U.S. national security. Adopted as official policy in November 1975 by President Gerald Ford, NSSM 200 outlined a covert plan to reduce population growth in those countries through birth control, and also, implicitly, war and famine.” To this has been added bio warfare and we are likely to see more and more deliberately created pandemics as a means of global population reduction and poverty enhancement. 

The NSSM 200 identifies thirteen countries of “special strategic and political interest.” These are: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Turkey, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia. The report claimed that population growth in the aforementioned countries was especially worrisome as it would lead to an increase in their economic and military strength. The report urged steps to encourage and promote birth control in these countries. The report also raised the question: “Would food be considered an instrument of national power? … Is the U.S. prepared to accept food rationing to help people who can’t/won’t control their population growth?” Kissinger also predicted a return of famines and felt these famines could render exclusive reliance on birth control programs unnecessary.

In the year 2015 Kissinger published his thoughts on The World Order in a book of the same title. He had written for the Newsweek on January 28, 1991: “We now face ‘a new balance of power’. Today, it translates into the notion of a ‘new world order’, which would emerge from a set of legal arrangements to be safeguarded by collective security.” Eustace Mullins comments: “When minions of the World Order, such a Henry Kissinger call for ‘collective security’, what they are really seeking is a protective order behind which they can safely carry out their depredations against all mankind.” 


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