VIDEO:This adventurist is defying death through his unicycle stunts

ROMANIA (Web Desk) – A daredevil has taken his adventure thirst to jaw-dropping heights  by performing whooping stunts on a unicycle over a massive chimney chasm.

Flaviu Cernescu performed a series of perilous tricks on top of the 840ft  chimney, which is one of the tallest structures in Romania.

Mind blowing footage of Cernescu’s potentially deadly circus act shows him trying out his juggling skills on the edge of the towering chimney stack.

Hold your breath and watch the video:

Filmed with a GoPro, one particular heart-in-mouth moment sees the Cernescu dangle himself over the mouth of the chimney with only one hand and no safety equipment in sight, RT News reported.

But beware, the dauntless risk-taker has appealed for beginners not to attempt to recreate his high-flying stunt.

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