Mansha Pasha, Jibran Nasir share Valentine s dinner pictures

For couples in love, everyday is Valentine’s Day, and nobody else proves it better than Lollywood’s gorgeous actress Mansha Pasha.

The 35-year-old, who is known for her successful stints in several critically and commercially successful television series and sartorial choices, is the apple of her husband’s eye and often treats her fans and followers with loved up photos of the duo on their numerous dates. 

With 1.1 million followers on the social media platform, the Laal Kabootar famed diva makes sure to post about the couple’s sweet and PDA-filled moments which receives love from their fans. 

The Zindagi Gulzar Hai star recently shared pictures from the Valentine’s Day dinner hosted by the couple at their home, on Instagram story section. From the Mohabat Subh Ka Sitara Hai actress’s IG stories, it was evident that her darling husband also cooked scrumptious food for her.

On the work front, Pasha was recently seen in Surkh Chandni, Haqeeqat, Mohabbat Tujhe Alvida, Dikhawa, and Koyal.

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