How to remove your home address, phone number and email from Google searches

Protecting your personal information might look like a challenge at a time when internet surveillance and privacy breaches are so rampant.

The issue has now been addressed by Google, which has added a new function to its Search engine that allows users to hide their home addresses, email addresses and phone numbers from search results.

Although this technology shows potential, there are a few important things to know before using it.

To use this tool, you must first disclose the particular information you want Google to track, namely your home address, email and phone number.

This makes it possible for Google Search to monitor the web and notify you once these facts are posted online.

There are restrictions to take into account, though. International customers are currently excluded from this benefit since it is currently available only in the United States.

It’s also important to realise that Google’s approach doesn’t remove your personal information from the wider internet. It just limits who may access this data through Google Search.

Alternative search engines could still show it, highlighting the significance of taking further steps after receiving Google notices, such as contacting websites.

It’s important to note that there may be circumstances in which Google is unable or unwilling to delete certain search results, illustrating the complexity of the problem.

Remember, there are workable alternatives. If your phone number is disclosed online, you can change it. You can also create many email accounts with other service providers.

It’s true that managing your home address is more difficult. But the key objectives for prospective hackers are the phone number and email address.

Google wants to make it really simple to use this new privacy option in its Search tool, keeping these factors in mind.

This new capability builds on the Google Search Results about you tool that was first released in September and allows you to not only request the removal of results that contain your personal information, but also to actively search the web for such material.

Google Search will rapidly let you know if your phone number, email or home address appears in any new search results so you may quickly ask for their removal.

This continual observation guarantees prompt action if your data reappears.

It’s simple to use the tool: just open the Google app, click on your account photo and click the “Results about you” link. Alternately, you may interact with it directly by going to

A dashboard update will soon make this procedure even simpler. After you provide your contact information, Google will determine whether any online results exist that contain these specifics.

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