‘Climate Emergency’: April 2016 hottest on NASA record

WASHINGTON (Web Desk) – April 2016 is the hottest April on record and the seventh consecutive month of this year to be among the hottest on record.

New NASA data released over the weekend showed that April broke the previous record for the hottest month and increases the likelihood that 2016 will be the hottest year on record.

The data also showed that April was the third month in a row that record temperatures were reached by the largest increases yet. In fact, it was the seventh consecutive month that was at least 1 full degree Centigrade over the 1951 to 1980 mean for April.


Since February, climate scientists have begun referring to the trends as a “climate emergency”, being given an extra boost by the current large El Nino system over the Pacific Ocean.

Climate scientists say there is no surprise as they have been warning about this for the last three decades.

Meteorologists said the increases mean all-time lows will be found this summer in sea ice, as well as greater bleaching of coral colonies, an often fatal event for such marine systems.

In 2014, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change said there was clear evidence of human influence, the effects of which have been increasing since 1950 at unprecedented rates.

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