Pakistan presents dossier to UNGA about human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir

NEW YORK – Pakistan has presented a dossier to the UN General Assembly about human rights violations in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

Prime Minister’s special envoys on Kashmir Senator Mushahid Hussain Syed and Dr Shezra Mansab Ali handed over the dossier to UNGA President Peter Thomson in New York.

The envoys briefed Peter Thomsan about the grave threat to peace and security posed by the deteriorating human rights situation in Occupied Kashmir as a result of India’s suppression of the Kashmiri freedom movement.

Senator Mushahid Hussain said India has closed all doors to bilateral dialogue, scuttled a regional summit and at the international level, refused to implement Security Council resolutions.

Dr. Shezra Ali detailed the killings of innocent and peaceful Kashmiri demonstrators and injuries caused by the use of brute force by Indian occupation forces.

The UNGA President expressed concern at the situation and assurured the visiting envoys of every possible effort to foster peace. He said an update on the current situation from the UN Department of Peace Keeping Operations will also be sought.

Meanwhile, officials of the Department for Peacekeeping Operations briefed the special envoys on the continued non-cooperation by the Indian side, hampering the mandated work of the UN Mission.

Pakistan`s permanent representative to the United Nations Dr Maleeha Lodhi was also present on the occasion.

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