Gallup survey reveals what Pakistanis actually think about Panama Leaks

ISLAMABAD – According to a recent Gallup survey, majority of Pakistanis believe in the authenticity of Panama Leaks and accuse the incumbent Prime Minister of being involved in the scandal.

Despite PML-Ns consistent rise in Pakistan’s electoral politics for three decades, Gallup report noted, PM Nawaz Sharif and his family has failed to wash away the image of financial corruption with 65 percent people believing in the legitimacy of the Panama leaks while 71 percent believe the same for his family members.

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As compared to those who believe it for PM Sharif, more people were found to be skeptical of PM’s family rather than himself.

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In what can be bit surprising, the Gallup report said 39 percent of PML-N’s own voters believed the PM was involved in the scandal. However, the report notes that “the sticking of corruption does not necessarily weaken their legitimacy against competing politicians because most of those in the big league suffer from the same syndrome,” adding that it does not affect electoral calculus.

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