Canada s immigration website crashes as Trump’s likelihood of winning increases

Canada’s official website providing information on immigration and citizenship has been experiencing repeated outages due to a surge in traffic as Donald Trump’s likelihood of winning increases.

The official website for ‘Citizenship and Immigration Canada’ stopped working, apparently because of the sheer number of people looking to leave the country.


Just as the race was kicking off many Americans joked that they would move out of the US, namely to Canada, if Trump won the presidency.

Similar pressure to leave the country was seen in the wake of the UK’s general election and of the Brexit vote – an issue that the European Union is looking to potentially solve by allowing people to keep their European citizenship, The Independent reported.

Canada’s official Twitter account in an apparent reference to the US election results just as it became clear that Mr Trump would be in the White House, tweeted that “Immigrants are encouraged to bring their cultural tradition with them and share with their fellow citizens.”

Canada has been active in taking in refugees from a range of countries in recent months.

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