Transgender Rights with Qanoon Bolta Hai

#Humanrights #StoptheHate #Identityisnotadisorder


Barrister, Human rights activist, and current affairs anchor Fatima Shaheen shared an Instagram post last night pertaining to transgender rights. This week she will be shedding light on the problems and hate faced by transgenders on her show “Qanoon Bolta Hai” on PTV Home.

The controversial state of affairs for transgenders is a concern for human rights activists across the country. The current legislative situation, while giving rights on paper, does not ensure that these rights are implemented in practice. To this day, the livelihood of the transgender community is largely derived from singing and dancing on weddings and birth celebrations.

“Humanrights #StoptheHate #Identityisnotadisorder” were Fatima Shaheen’s two main slogans while sharing the Instagram post. Tune in to “Qanoon Bolta Hai” on PTV Home, every Tuesday at 6:45 p.m. (PKT)


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