Health first: Jamun seeds helpful in curing Diabetes

LAHORE – Fruits are a blessing by nature. These are not only tasty in eating but have plenty of helpful health benefits for the human body and lifestyle. Jamun is also among sweet and yummy fruit available in Punjab, Pakistan.

This fruit is having purple color and is very beneficial for the health. Not only the Jamun has always been on the top in fighting diabetes, but also its seed. They are also known to combat diabetes. Health expert Yasin Haider on Tuesday talking to private news channel said,  consuming them as a part of managing diabetes can heal the diabetic patient.

He further told that” Both the seeds and the fruit have a substance called jamboline and jambosine that slow down the release of sugar into the blood”.

It also increases the availability of insulin. It is hard to consume Jamun seeds directly, What you can do is let the seeds dry then make a powder that can be consumed regularly before meals to fight diabetes very effectively. It reduces the blood glucose levels in hyperglycemia rats, He emphasized.

The diabetes Expert further shared that wash seeds thoroughly so that none of the flesh is left on them. Here’s How You Can Use Jamun Seeds For Managing Diabetes:

Jamun seeds powder

1. Clean Jamun and keep them in a container.

2. Squeeze out the seeds from the flesh part with your fingers and store them in another container. Wash the seeds thoroughly so that none of the flesh is left on them.
3. Now, spread the seeds on a clean cloth and keep it under the sun for drying. Please note that it takes about three to four days for them to dry out.

4. Once they are dried, peel off the outer shell and collect the green inner core of the seeds. The green inner core of the seeds can be broken into half easily just by pressing your fingers.

5. Once you break them down, keep them in the sun for a few more days till they are dried.
Now, powder the dried seeds in a grinder.

6. You will notice coarse powder. Sieve the crushed seeds and repeat the same method until most of the dried seed powder passes through the sieve.

7. Store the Jamun seed powder in an air-tight container and use it as and when you’d want to.
Take a glassful of water and a teaspoon of Jamun seed powder every morning on an empty stomach.

Diabetes cannot be completed finished from the body but one can control its intensity by taking a few home remedies and having a healthy lifestyle.



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