Jhang farmer attacks donkey for entering crops, breaking Its legs

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JHANG -  In a disturbing incident in Jhang, a farmer subjected a donkey to severe violence after it strayed into his crops, resulting in the animal sustaining two broken legs.

According to police reports, the farmer mercilessly beat the donkey, which in a desperate attempt to escape the assault, became entangled in barbed wire, causing further injuries.

This tragic incident is not an isolated case. There have been multiple reports of similar cruelty towards donkeys. Recently, in Hyderabad, a donkey suffered two broken legs due to its owner’s brutality. The injured animal was transported to Karachi for treatment but, unfortunately, succumbed to its injuries.

The recurrence of such incidents underscores the urgent need for stricter animal protection laws and heightened awareness about animal rights to prevent further cruelty towards animals. Advocates are calling for more robust enforcement of existing laws and the introduction of new measures to ensure the humane treatment of all animals.

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