Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman gifts Mercedes car to a kid

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2023-10-02T23:58:00+05:00 Noor Fatima

In a surprise meeting with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), a Saudi child expressed his wish for a Mercedes car, which the Prince fulfilled right there and then.

The Crown Prince is known for his generosity and humility to mingle with local citizens during his visits. MBS's humble personality allows citizens to easily communicate with the lawmaker, unlike many other personalities with high stature.

A recent example of this is the fulfillment of a child's wish which went viral on social media.

In the said video, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was welcomed by a swarm of people waiting for him when a child stretched out his arms to signal MBS who then asks him what the kid wants.

Upon asking, the kid points his finger at the nearby Mercedes car and tells MBS he wants it. The humble Crown Prince then asks his assistant to take the address and present the child with what he wished for.

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