
Ugly face of human cruelty: Mother bear kills her cub and herself to escape life of torture

BEIJING (Web Desk) – In another horrific incident of animal cruelty, a black bear mother killed her cub to save it from a life of torture for ‘Bear Bile Farming’ in China. Later, the mother bear also killed herself.


According to Care2 “She (mother bear) hugged her cub until it suffocated, then drove her own head into a wall.”

Bear Bile Farming is a cruel, but legal, method in which black bears, also called Moon Bears, are kept in “crush cages,” so small the bears can’t move. Then farmers puncture their gall bladders to siphon off their bile.


The wound is kept open and probed with needles and tubes to extract the bile. The wound  becomes “susceptible to infections and diseases which can cause the animals unbearable pain,” Care2 reported.

The torture goes on till the bear dies, which is 20 years on average. Bear Bile Farming is carried out in China for making traditional medicines.

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