Unlock career abroad as Denmark invites foreigners for 66 lucrative job openings

COPENHAGEN – The government of Denmark has published an updated list of professions for which it is looking for foreign workers. 

According to the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (SIRI), since July 1, 2023, two new lists of workers have become effective – the list for people with higher education and the list for people working in fields requiring skilled workers.

The new Positive List for People with a Higher Education consists of a total of 30 job titles, whereas the Positive List for Skilled Workers consists of 36 job titles.

“The job titles on the Positive List for People with a Higher Education will be on the list for two years. It means that the new job titles added as of July 1, 2023, will be on the list at least until June 30, 2025. On the contrary, the job titles on the Positive List for Skilled Work will be on the list at least until December 31, 2023,” SIRI stated in an official press release.

It bears mentioning that the Positive List is a list of professions experiencing a shortage of qualified professionals in Denmark.

If you have been offered a job included in the Positive List, you can apply for a residence and work permit in Denmark based on the Positive List Scheme; you must have an educational background that makes you qualified for the job.

A job title can appear in the list if there is a regional or national shortage of qualified professionals for the position.

Job Titles open for foreigners with higher education

The Positive List for People with a Higher Education is a list of professions that are currently experiencing a shortage of qualified professionals.

As per official details, to qualify for a job and move to Denmark under this specific list, the applicant must have educational qualifications. Moreover, the applicant must also have a job offer before being able to apply for a Danish work visa.

According to the newly updated lists, the open positions for foreigners with higher education are as follows:

Managers in the field of product and service

  • Warehouse Manager with at least three years education at bachelor level

Natural science and engineering

Chemist with a Master’s degree

  • Automation Engineer with a professional Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree
  • Civil Engineer with a professional Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree
  • Town Planner with a Master’s degree


  • Chief Physician with a Master’s degree + Danish authorisation
  • Medical Doctor with a Master’s degree + Danish authorisation
  • Doctor with a Specialty with a Master’s degree + Danish authorisation
  • Nurse with a professional Bachelor’s degree + Danish authorisation
  • Nurse with a Specialty with a professional Bachelor’s degree + Danish authorisation
  • Midwife with a professional Bachelor’s degree + Danish authorisation
  • Dietary Worker with a professional Bachelor’s degree
  • Occupational Therapist with professional Bachelor’s degree + Danish authorisation

Other sectors include Teaching and educational work, Auditor with a Master’s degree, Economist with a Master’s degree, Technician work in science, engineering and shipping and aviation etc. 

For this category, the normal processing time is1 month while the processing fee is DKK 4,670.

Job Titles open for highly skilled foreign workers

As far as 36 Job titles open for highly skilled foreign workers is concerned, Denmark is also looking for nationals from other countries who are experienced in different fields to deal with the labour shortage.

Denmark’s Positive List for Skilled Work is updated twice a year, and under the newly updated list, the open positions include Science and engineering associate professionals, laboratory technician, plumber, technical designer, business and administration associate professionals, sales and account manager etc. 

It merits mentioning that the normal processing time is 1 month and the processing fee is
DKK 4,670, for this category. The complete list can be seen here

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