This couple from Jeddah celebrated their wedding in a very unique manner

The twitterati’s are going crazy over these newly weds on the street of Jeddah


Jeddah- The Kingdom is known for its strict and conservative laws. In a recent video a married couple was seen enjoying their wedding across Jeddah’s Corniche and it caused some major reactions.

However the video which got viral had voiceovers of the people making video harassing them and making fun of the couple on their decision of taking a stroll on their wedding night.

People took over Twitter, here are a bunch of different reactions. A lot of people thought that it was violating the laws of the kingdom. A conservative society won’t let newly weds take a stroll on the street at night?

Questioning the sanity of the groom, lol!

“This groom isn’t normal, he’s dancing with his bride in public.”

Something which the society or the Kingdom won’t allow?

“This is something that we do not accept across the Kingdom”

Only if it was some place else!

“if they did this outside the Kingdom people would’ve said it’s cute”

Who are the real violators?

“The only violators I see in this video are all the goons screaming around the couple, filming them and acting in an unacceptable manner, revealing how socially regressed they are. When it comes to the bride and groom, they’re doing nothing abnormal.”

On the other hand the authorities issued a statement regarding this video banning all such public actions.

 “Any action that violates Islamic values and goes against Saudi Arabia’s social norms and traditions in public.”

Saudi lawyer Abdul Karim Al Kadi even said;

“If the groom who appeared in the latest video is found guilty, he may face a jail sentence. If the couple is found to be non-Saudi they’ll also face deportation.”


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