LAHORE- Ramazan is a month of spirituality, forbearance, empathy, and kindness. Most importantly, it’s about giving back. The month holds a sense of collectiveness and a caring spirit that everyone associates with and wants to be part of.
As part of the fever of goodwill that escalates within the country during Ramazan, Telenor has yet again signalled its intent to help the people of Pakistan, to the best of their ability.
Telenor Pakistan started a donation drive five years ago, by the name of #ShareYourMeal, through which people are asked to share pictures of their Ramazan meals on any major social media platform. Against the number of snaps that come in, Telenor Pakistan will add a certain amount to the donation pool that will be distributed by the end of Ramazan amongst the needy.
Not only does this campaign help bridge the divide between the privileged and those in need, but it also proves that individuals can bring a change in the world with the power of data as it enables you to overcome any obstacle and help improve the society as a whole. This campaign is a great initiative teaching us that anyone can do their part as long as they have data by their side.
Telenor Pakistan brought this star social campaign to an end this year and organized ration distribution drives in various cities such as Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Quetta and Peshawar. This is the 5th consecutive year that Telenor Pakistan has successfully run this campaign and contributed towards fighting hunger and poverty in the country.
It is quite rare to see an opportunity of a meaningful contribution, from behind the comfort of your screens. Telenor has given us a chance to do just that; to come together and help the needy by making sure that every time you eat, you #ShareYourMeal.
Every picture counts so don’t forget to share!