In an unprecedented move, the latest episode of the fifth season of the globally renowned Turkish series, Korolush Osman, was withheld from airing last night due to the harrowing Israeli assault on a hospital in Gaza. The series, which delves into the historical context of Islamic conquests, had resumed its highly anticipated fifth season a few days ago, with Episode 133 scheduled for broadcast on the ill-fated night. Instead, viewers witnessed a rerun of the 132nd episode.
The production team of Korolush Osman promptly addressed the situation on their official Instagram. The post conveyed the solemn declaration of a three-day national mourning period in Turkey, a response to the tragic martyrdom of numerous Palestinian brothers and sisters during the ruthless Israeli attack on a hospital in Gaza. The mourning period rendered it inappropriate to air the new episode of the fifth season, hence the re-airing of the preceding installment on Wednesday night.
Furthermore, the Instagram post strongly condemned the Israeli bombing, classifying it as a heinous crime against humanity, and extended heartfelt condolences for the loss of innocent lives, including children and women. The dreadful incident occurred on October 17 when the Israeli military targeted a hospital housing wounded individuals in Gaza, resulting in the deaths of 500 Palestinians, including vulnerable children and women, while leaving hundreds severely injured.
“3 days of national mourning will be declared in our country for Israel’s attack on the hospital in Gaza, killing hundreds of our Palestinian brothers. For this reason, the new episode of our Kuruluş Osman series which will be aired this evening will not be aired, but last week’s episode will be rebroadcasted. We once again strongly condemn the attacks in Gaza as a crime of humanity and attacks against children, women and civilians.”
Previously, Celal AL, a renowned Turkish actor known for his portrayal of Abdul Rahman Ghazi in the globally acclaimed Turkish series Ertugrul Ghazi, raised his voice against the international community’s silence following a brutal attack on a hospital in Israel.
Enough is enough: Ertuğrul star Celal Al condemns inhumane and indefensible Israeli attacks on Gaza