Lahore Overseas Chinese Association President hails Sino-Pak relations ahead of China s National Day

Lahore Overseas Chinese Association President Luo Jianxue has shared a heartfelt note on the 74th foundation day of China.

In a statement issued here, the overseas Chinese said, “On October 1, 2023, our great motherland celebrates her 74th birthday. In the tenth month of the golden Autumn, the red flag is fluttering, the whole country celebrates, music and dance are flying. In every corner and position, we can feel the joy of the Chinese people and overseas Chinese for the motherland’s birthday and the warmth given by the party.

“On October 1, 1949, the People’s Republic of China was established! The Chinese people, who have gone through war and suffering, have finally stood up again! History will always remember this day. It was on this day that New China was finally established and the Chinese people finally stood up!

“Suddenly looking back, New China has gone through seventy-four years. Along with the progress of the Republic, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, it has completely got rid of the fetters of imperialist aggression and feudal serfdom, and has opened up a path from darkness to light, from backwardness to advancement. A new era of progress, from poverty to prosperity, from autocracy to democracy, from closure to openness. From the severe economic backwardness and desolation of the society in the early days of liberation to the prosperity and strength after 44 years of reform and opening up. In just these seventy-four years, our motherland has undergone earth-shaking changes. Science and technology, economy and culture, economic development, social progress, stability, national unity, border defence consolidation, people live and work in peace and contentment, and the domestic economy continues to remain stable. Rapid development, various social undertakings are advancing steadily.”

Luo added that the Chinese people are enjoying unprecedented peace and prosperity, “and the ship of socialism with Chinese characteristics is cutting through the waves and moving forward with head held high.”

“Our great motherland is appearing in front of the world with an unprecedented new look. Despite this, the development of the motherland has not been smooth in recent years. However, the difficulties have not destroyed the will of the Chinese people, the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation. The people of the motherland are united as one, and have made all Chinese people more united and stronger. This allows every Chinese and overseas Chinese to deeply feel the strength and warmth of the motherland.

“Under the leadership of the Consulate General in Lahore, the overseas Chinese in Lahore unite as one, work together, forge ahead, keep in mind the original intention and mission, strengthen their ideals and beliefs, promote China-Pakistan friendly cooperation, jointly build the ‘Belt and Road’, and help exchanges and mutual learning between all walks of life in China and Pakistan have deepened the traditional feelings of friendship between the Chinese and Pakistani peoples. We are abroad, but we always care about the motherland, safeguard the motherland’s reunification, and work hard to build our country into a prosperous, democratic, civilized, harmonious, and beautiful modern socialist country and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation! We would like to express our best wishes to our motherland on its 74th birthday: Happy birthday to our motherland! Thriving prosperity! Contented people and peaceful state!.”

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