This man is now being trolled on the internet for allegedly supporting sexual harassment

Lahore- As decided protestors showed up at Cinestar to protest against Ali Zafar’s film with chants like “Boycott Ali Zafar”, the peeacful protestors stood there with playcards while one even stated that a fellow protestor was slapped by the police providing security. The protestor even added that they were being intimidated by the authorities, as shown in the video.

This was not it while protesting, son of Hameed Zaman, owner of Bareeze and creative director of Kayseria was seen walking inside the cinema along her wife when he reluctantly laughed at the camera and said;

“We support sexual harassment of women!,” -Waleed Zaman 

His statement was recorded on camera and is now viral on social media to an extent people are ready to boycott all the brands affiliated with him.

However in his defense he gave out a very feeble and unclear statement, as per the internet the statement was him using the ‘husband card’.

Well internet for sure isn’t buying what Waleed has to say as clearly in the video the protestors were far away from his wife and him. It even got to a point where one of the protestors and alleged friend of the couple gave this sta

Via Twitter

People are furious over his comment and reluctant behavior. We sure have an internet meltdown:

Farthest boundaries of hate:


Point to be noted:


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