Man hospitalised after sniffing his socks for too long

BEJING — A Chinese man was hospitalized with a severe fungal infection after sniffing his own socks.

The 37-year-old Peng, in Zhangzhou, southeast China, sniffed his socks every day after coming home from work and changing his office wear.

A fungal infection he’d developed on his feet was transferred to his lungs when he sniffed his socks, taking in some of the fungal spores as he did so.

Peng was admitted as an emergency case in the hospital in Zhangzhou.

Fungal spores under a microscope

According to reports in local newspaper Fujian Daily, the man told doctors that he had become “addicted” to smelling the socks he’d worn during the day.

The x-ray confirmed him suffering from a severe lung infection and he has been kept in for treatment.

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