JusticeforRizwana: Sajal Aly, Nadia Jamil speak out against recent child labour case

The harrowing cases of domestic abuse on child laborers have been marring the image of Pakistan for quite some time. To show their support, social media users and celebrities raise voice against any such brutalities. 

With the most recent case of 14-year-old Rizwana subjected to torture, Pakistani actresses Nadia Jamil and Sajal Aly have taken to social media to raise their voice.

While Rizwana’s case is making progress as the spokesperson of Islamabad Capital Police stated that the injured girl and her father have spoken against the accused judge’s wife, Jamil and Aly have highlighted the importance of outright banning of child labour.

The accused, who is the wife of Judge Asim Hafeez, however, obtained bail till August 1.

Islamabad Police say that all persons involved in the crime are being investigated and all action is being taken as per law.

The spokesperson of the police said in the statement that child labor is a crime under the law, if anyone knows about any such incident, report it to the police on call 15.

Taking to Twitter, Jamil shared a video alongside a lengthy note stating how important it is to “speak up and report people who are making children work for them” while the Gul-e-Rana star urged “For the love of God, please stop torturing small children and making them work or perform labour. It is wrong. Child labour is wrong. It is illegal.” 

“If any of you see a small child working at [someone’s] home or outside, or see them being tortured, report it. Immediately. Report it to the local authorities, the Sinf-e-Ahan starlet added.

 “People must work together to pressure the authorities and protect children. This is not their age to be doing labour. This is their age to be studying, playing,” she noted.

“The beautiful Sajal Aly has a message for all of us,” Jamil shared.

“I want to thank her from the heart because she is the only celebrity friend I turned to, to ask for a short video asking the banning of child domestic labour, who responded immediately and recorded this message. 

“If all of us uploaded a tweet, a Facebook or insta post, it doesn’t have to be video, expressing our desire to END, the curse of child domestic labour, then we will be able to protect more children,” Jamil added.

“The problem is we often don’t know a child is being kept as a servant/slave in a house, so there is no way to know if the child is ok, are they providing him:her with an education?” she asked.

“You and both know the truth. Often these tiny children are made to carry rich babies, clean rich peoples homes, serve them and press them. They are beaten, starved and NEARLY ALL are deprived of an education! An education which is their constitutional right AND their deeni right,” the actress emphasized.

“Remember poverty alleviation IS NOT the job of innocent children. Robbing them of their childhood is criminal. Too many of our children suffer. Too many,” Jamil commented.

“Let’s all be part of their solution. Please. Please speak up and report people who are making children work for them. And thank you so much Sajal for being the best Beti jaan and having such a caring good heart and strong civic sense. This is called taking responsibility for your society and using your platform for public good. I love you!” she concluded.

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