Un-Islamic : Taliban-led Afghan govt bans mixed martial arts

KABUL – The Taliban-led Afghan government has announced a ban on mixed martial arts, deeming it contrary to Islamic principles due to its violent nature.

Reports said the ban was imposed by the Sports Authority following an investigation by the Ministry of Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, which found that mixed martial arts conflicts with Islamic law and Sharia due to its excessive violence.

The Sports Authority in a statement to the international media outlet explained that the sport’s violent nature and the potential for serious injury or death warrant the ban on the game.

“Ensuring the safety of athletes is a priority, and thus, mixed martial arts will no longer be permitted,” the authority said.

It is recalled that the sport has also not been recognised as an Olympic event due to safety concerns.

Among the 11 Afghan athletes participating in the recently concluded Paris Olympics, four were from the field of the mixed martial arts.

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