A story of strength, valour, and fight for what is right: From deathbed to designation it’s been a tough journey

LAHORE – Sahar Javed Chawla, a professor of Biochemistry at CMH Lahore Medical and Dental College is also a source of strength to anyone who feels their lives have no meaning, who are battling severe depression, or who have been let down too many times by the hardships they have faced in their life.

Sahar told ‘The Untold Stories of Pakistan’ (a Facebook page) about her journey to becoming recognizable by the power of her walk and the strength in her voice.

“I am the star of my personal show that many call life. On 19th June 2012 I decided that people will not tell me who I am, I would tell people who I was. My story may invoke pity but to all of you reading I wish to give you hope along with a healthy dose of caution,” says Sahar.

Sahar’s ordeal is what many women face in our society. From being sexually abused by ‘Qaari Sahab’ to facing years of torture by a ‘close relative’ with her parents letting it slip by due to societal pressure, many women even today face the same issue with their abusers roaming around free just because their families honour is about everything else.

Sahar goes on, “My experiences made me focused. I took admission in BDS in the esteemed Army Medical College. What followed were the good days. I made friends and formed bonds that lasted me a lifetime. They were darkened by the findings of my parent’s separation. I fell in love during my college days as many of us do. I was fed promised of marriage and a happily ever after. I decided to court marry and the day of the court marriage, he vanished. I was heartbroken. In my despondency I agreed to the marry the man my mother selected for me. Taking no initiative to get to know the man I was going to get married.”

The next part of her story is also an issue deep-rooted with male chauvinism and domestic violence. After suffering at the hands of her ex husband which was followed by a nervous breakdown, Sahar again fell into the trap of her ex which eventually led to commit suicidal attempt.

“On June 19th, 2012 I woke up one day and took control of my life. I decided that the world would be my runway and I would be the show stopper. I did my M Phil in Biochemistry and started teaching and now I am currently enrolled in PHD doing my final research. From deathbed to designation it’s been a tough journey,” continues Sahar.

Here is her full story.


More power to you! We need women like you in our society to guide us and show us that we are the makers of our own destiny. And that women are as strong as men in this very male dominant society.

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