The Quaid-e-Azam Football Tournament, organized by the Pakistan Army, kicked off with great enthusiasm in Kotli, Azad Kashmir. Teams from all districts are actively participating in this exciting event, showcasing their talent and passion for the sport.
The opening ceremony saw a diverse gathering, including officers from the Pakistan Army, representatives from civil society, the business community, school children, and other social figures. The event included a symbolic trophy unveiling and the release of birds, creating a memorable and inspiring moment for the attendees.
Local athletes and the community have praised the Pakistan Army’s initiative, recognizing it as an excellent opportunity for young people to showcase their skills. The tournament is not only fostering a culture of sportsmanship in the region but is also playing a vital role in encouraging youth to engage in positive activities.
The tournament, which will run until February 5, 2025, will see each district’s team competing to display their best performance. The Pakistan Army’s efforts in organizing this event are being seen as a positive step toward promoting sports and setting a new tradition in the area.
The players participating in the tournament expressed their gratitude to the Pakistan Army and the local administration for organizing such an event. Many also voiced hopes for similar initiatives in the future, further strengthening the sporting spirit in the region.