ISLAMABAD – Four in ten Pakistanis believe that the Supreme Court will give an inconclusive and ambiguous decision on the Panama Leaks case while 65% believe that the court’s decision will be accepted by the majority, a recent Gilani Research Foundation Survey carried out by Gallup & Gilani Pakistan revealed.
A nationally representative sample of men and women from across the four provinces was asked about the Panama Leaks case to which  21% responded that that PM Nawaz Sharif and his family will be punished and penalized, 37% said that Nawaz Sharif and his family will be judged innocent, while 42% said that court will give an inconclusive/ ambiguous decision.
Question: “Keeping in mind the Panama Leaks case, please tell us in your opinion, which of the following result is most likely?”
Respondents were further asked, “Some people say that all political parties and public will accept the Supreme Court’s decision on the Panamagate case, while others think it will not be accepted. What is your opinion?” In response to this question, 65% said that all political parties and public will accept the decision, while 35% said they will not accept the decision.
“Some people say that all political parties and public will accept the Supreme Court’s decision on the Panamagate case, while others think it will not be accepted. What is your opinion?”
The study was released by Gilani Research Foundation and carried out by Gallup & Gilani Pakistan, the Pakistani affiliate of Gallup International. The recent survey was carried out among a sample of 1813 men and women in rural and urban areas of all four provinces of the country, during February 27 – March 6, 2017. The error margin is estimated to be approximately ± 2-3 per cent at 95% confidence level.