The power duo of our entertainment industry, Urwa Hocane and Farhan Saeed, are all set to star together in an Eid telefilm. Featuring a stellar cast including Saba Hamid, Usman Peerzada, Asif Raza Mir and Iffat Umar, the movie is to be directed by Nadeem Baig of Jawani Phir Nahi Ani fame.
About the telefilm, Urwa commented, “Thrilled to be part of this project alongside such a spectacular cast. And of course, the fact that Farhan and I are returning on-screen after Udaari is very special. Nadeem is just brilliant. I had such an amazing time shooting Punjab Nahi Jaungi with him and I am glad we are working together so soon after that.“
A beaming Farhan had something to say along similar lines, “This a very special project for me not only because Urwa and I are returning on-screen after a break but also because Nadeem is certainly among the best directors in the country. And it’s such an honor to share the screen with Saba Hamid, Usman Peerzada, Asif Raza Mir and Iffat Umar. I loved working with this team. It’s truly going to be a fun-filled Eid for fans! “