PTI declines support for 26th Constitutional amendment

Pti Announces Decision To Withhold Support For 26th Constitutional Amendment

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has announced that it will not support the 26th Constitutional Amendment in the upcoming parliamentary vote. This decision was shared by PTI Chairman Barrister Gauhar during a press briefing following a meeting with Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam (JUI-F) leader Maulana Fazlur Rehman.

Speaking to the media, Barrister Gauhar acknowledged the long-standing relationship between PTI and Maulana Fazlur Rehman. “We have been meeting for some time now, and Maulana has shown remarkable patience and understanding of our concerns. We are deeply grateful to him,” Gauhar said.

He further stated that PTI had carefully reviewed the government’s draft of the amendment but would not be voting in favor of it. “Every decision we make is based on the advice of our party founder. While we appreciate Maulana’s role in the 26th Amendment, PTI will not cast a vote in its favor. However, we will attend the session and present our stance on the floor,” Gauhar clarified. He also expressed admiration for Maulana’s independence, saying PTI respects his decision to support the bill.

On this occasion, Maulana Fazlur Rehman commented that while PTI has legitimate concerns, he believes they have worked together to resolve key issues. “We have effectively neutralized the harmful elements of the bill. PTI has no objections to the content, and while their protest is valid, the constitution belongs to the nation, not just one party,” he remarked.

Maulana also pointed out that although some aspects of the bill were initially rejected, they have been amended. He emphasized that no party should be forced to support constitutional changes and underscored that performance and seniority both hold importance in the legislative process.

PTI’s decision to withhold support for the amendment adds a layer of complexity to the upcoming parliamentary debates, though the party has reiterated its respect for Maulana Fazlur Rehman and his efforts in facilitating the process.

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