Egypt does the most unexpected thing against Turkey at the Security Council

NEW YORK (News Desk) – At the United Nations, the Security Council failed to issue a joint statement to condemn the failed coup attempt in Turkey as Egypt objected to the motion saying “the UNSC was not in a position to determine whether a government was democratically elected or not”.

The proposed statement urged all parties to respect the right of government of the democratically elected leadership of Turkey. All statements by the UNSC require to be agreed by all fifteen members by consensus.

The statement was drafted by the US representative at the body. The members were proposed to express serious concerns over the situation in Turkey, calling on all parties to avoid any violence and end the crisis immediately.

However, the statement could not be issued due to the objections raised by the Egyptian envoy at the UNSC.

It is also pertinent to be mentioned here that current Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi is a former General who came to power by overthrowing the democratically elected government of President Mohammad Morsi.

After assuming the presidential office, Sisi banned the political party of ousted President Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood. The followers and leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood are facing jails and internationally challenged trials since the dismissal of the government.

Morsi has also been awarded death sentence for “crimes” during the 2011’s famous uprising in Egypt which resulted in end decades-long rule of President Hosni Mubarak.

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