Occupied Kashmir unfinished agenda of partition: PM Nawaz

ISLAMABAD – In his message for Kashmir Day on Saturday, the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said that Kashmir dispute is the oldest conflict present in United Nation Security Council.

He said that Pakistan strongly condemns Indian state aggression and atrocities on Kashmiri people, further adding that the Indian army is involved in blatant human rights abuse against the Kashmiri people, as around 150 people have lost their eyesight due to the use of pallet guns by the occupying forces.

“For the last seven decades, India has denied the valiant people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir the right to self-determination promised to them by the international community through numerous UN Security Council resolutions.”

He said the Jammu & Kashmir dispute is the unfinished agenda of Partition and remains one of the oldest disputes in the UN Security Council.  He added that Pakistan strongly condemns the systemic state terrorism and brutal killings of the innocent people of IoK by Indian occupation forces.

PM further added that as many as 12,000 people are illegally detained and senior Hurriyat leaders are either arrested or detained.

The premier said that Pakistan stands with the right of self-determination for Kashmiri people and it will continue to stick with this principal stance, on behalf of the entire Pakistani nation, Nawaz acknowledged the sacrifices rendered by Kashmiri people against the Indian forces.

PM Nawaz reiterated that the region cannot progress until and unless Kashmir dispute is not resolved.

“I salute the sacrifices of the brave and courageous Kashmiri people and reaffirm our firm commitment to Pakistan’s principled stance on Jammu and Kashmir. Pakistan calls upon the international community to raise its voice in seeking an end to the gross violations of human rights and the reign of terror unleashed by Indian occupation forces in IoK and fulfil the promises it made with the people of Jammu & Kashmir 70 years ago,” PM Nawaz said adding that the Jammu & Kashmir is the core dispute between Pakistan and India.

“The dream of peace and prosperity of the people of this region will remain elusive without resolving this dispute in accordance with the UN Security Council resolutions. We urge India to stop the bloodbath in occupied Jammu & Kashmir and allow the holding of free and fair plebiscite under the UN auspices.”

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