Indian and Afghan media busy propagating against Pakistan using World Muhajir Congress s narrative

On 9th November, VOA Dewwa reported on Twitter that World Muhajir Congress (WMC) submitted a memorandum to US Congress on 9th November to suspend all kinds of aid to Pakistan at a Congressional hearing on budget request for Fiscal Year 2018.

In the tweet US state-funded VOA Dewwa reported, “World Muhajir Congress (WMC) submits a memorandum to US Congress to suspend all kind of aid to Pakistan at a Congressional hearing on budget request for FY 2018. WMC in a press release issued accuses Pak forces of atrocities against Muhajirs in Karachi.”

The previously unheard-of group emerged ‘mysteriously’ in April 2017 when Indian media reported the activities of the group. According to Indian media, the group has met and told the US lawmakers that Pakistan’s ISI is supporting terrorist organisations inside the country.

When Indian media started giving coverage to WMC, it didn’t exist anywhere on social media, neither on Twitter nor on Facebook or any website. Thus, the mention of WMC’s activities in Indian media gives credence to the probability that this is a stunt being pulled by Indian Intelligence Agencies.

Ever since its first mention in Indian media in April 2017,  WMC has been busy spreading propaganda against  Pakistan Army, ISI and Rangers. What’s more alarming is that the group really doesn’t exist in the ground. There is no presence of WMC in Pakistan or a list of its members. The proxy lobby group emerged out of nowhere with Indian media giving it coverage and MQM-L endorsing it.



After Indian media, Afghan media started giving coverage to WMC as well.



‘VOA Dewaa’ has also been supporting the World Muhajir Congress’s narrative. The reporting done by VOA Dewaa on WMC – just like by Indian media – points to the possibility of NDS and Indian Intelligence Agencies working together to ratify the WMC’s narrative.

Now, according to the definition,  any information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view is considered propaganda. Keeping in mind the non-existence of WMC in Pakistan and the accusations they have made against Pakistan Army and ISI and Indian media endorsing it consistently, it’s safe to say that there is a very high probability that WMC is a proxy lobby group to support Indian and Afghan stance against Pakistan.


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