Angry Karachi mob storms K-Electric office over prolonged loadshedding

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2024-07-02T11:17:00+05:00 Web Desk

KARACHI – Pakistan's largest city and financial capital Karachi saw protests against prolonged loadshedding and amid agitation, a group of charged members stormed K-Electric office near FC area.

Reports shared online suggest that people of Liaquatabad attacked K-Electric office in the FC Area as protest escalated to vandalism, damaging both office and parked vehicles.

The lack of electricity also deeply angered residents who feel neglected and unheard. The protest spilled onto the main road near Shafiq Mor, causing a significant traffic disruption.

K-Electric, the city's only power provider, strongly condemned the attack and the damage caused to their property. A spokesperson said that the company is treating the matter seriously and conducting a thorough investigation.

Amid unrest in scorching weather, authorities filed a case against the protestors, charging them with public disturbance and property damage.

Several individuals were also held, with ongoing efforts to apprehend others identified from video footage of the incident.

The incident also sparked additional protests, with FC Area residents gathering at the Sharifabad police station to protest the arrests and demand action against K-Electric for the persistent power outages.

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